general contractor
Nessi & Majocchi S.p.A. has chosen to address the new challenges of the building market by transforming itself from a Traditional Construction Company continuously active since 1926 into a General Contractor. Instead of the traditional private and entrepreneurial clientele, the change in the economy and the globalisation processes of the markets have seen the net prevalence of financial corporations that require a high-level of specialisation with final costs of the work corresponding to the initial forecast, such to guarantee the return on investment percentages.
This transformation of the market has seen that the Customer is no longer supported by individual professionals but by Associated Studios and Engineering Companies able to guarantee forecasts, management and final results. Together with this change of the Customer and his needs, the traditional system of construction entrusted to teams of workers capable of addressing all the stages of the work has gradually changed, with the segmentation of several steps of construction entrusted to highly specialised operators.
In order to carry out the duties of General Contractor it has provided itself with an administrative technical structure that can count on the high technical and professional value of its Personnel made up of Project Manager, Foremen, Project Control, Cost Control, Buyers, Safety Experts able to guarantee the results expected by the Customer.